Final de glosar, spre final de an:
Program: An activity with a purpose, a clearly developed plan, a budget, and a team to implement it within a specific timeline.
Project Cycle: A project has a cycle that includes the following stages: preparation, project planning, and execution.
Public Service Announcement: A radio or television segment aired between programs (similar to a commercial) that allows you to address issues of general public concern.
Reporting: Reports periodically inform your donor about the progress of your project.
Revenue: The amount of money coming into your organization within a specific time period.
Strategic Planning: The process of assessing the need and demand for specific services among the organization’s beneficiaries. It enables an organization to adapt effectively to the evolving needs of its beneficiaries.
Surplus: When income exceeds expenditures.
Statute (By-Laws): The governing document and laws of your organization.
Sustainability: The ability of your project to continue after the grant money has been spent.
Transparency: The quality of an NGO being open and public about its actions and motivations.
Vision: A statement that describes the kind of society you want to live in, and that is founded on your NGO’s values.